Student enrollment is online only. Please read the instructions below for New and Returning Families, and also for registering siblings.
Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year opens to new and returning families on Monday, March 25th, 2024. Registration is online only.
**NEW FAMILIES** Scroll down to the next section for different registration instructions.
Returning Families are those with at least one student currently enrolled. To register for next school year, please login to your FACTS Family Portal account. Our District Code is OLFS-CA.
Once logged in, follow these steps:
If you are a Returning Family enrolling a sibling in Preschool (or higher grade if the sibling has not previously attended OLF), you must first submit an online Application for this new sibling. The Application can be completed now, before enrollment opens on March 27th.
Families who are enrolling a new student must start by completing an online Application and creating your FACTS Family Portal account.
Click HERE to complete and submit your online Application. You'll receive an email confirmation that your Application was received. It may take a few days for us to review and process your Application. Please be patient.
*This step must be completed even if you already submitted a paper application to the School Office.
PRESCHOOL APPLICANTS - WHILE YOU WAIT: While waiting for your Application to process, Preschool families can prepare for enrollment by printing and completing all required forms, and having them scanned and ready to upload. The Preschool Physician's Report can be turned in at a later date, closer in time to your student beginning instruction.
ALL NEW FAMILIES -- WHILE YOU WAIT: Have scanned and ready your student's Birth Certificate, Baptism Certificate (if applicable) and both sides of the yellow Immunization Card.
When your Application is accepted, you'll receive a second email prompting you to complete the enrollment process. To do so:
Within a few days of submitting the Enrollment Packet, you'll receive an email from FACTS with your invoice for registration fees. Our school administrator must create a new invoice for every enrollment packet submitted. Please be patient.
Upon receipt of your invoice, login to FACTS and promptly pay all fees. Registration is not complete until all fees are paid.
Our Lady of Fatima School reserves the right to admit, readmit or deny admission to any student. For our complete admissions policy and other important information, please see our School Handbook.
If our Preschool or K-8 classes have insufficient space for all applicants, OLF prioritizes admissions as follows:
All K-8 students must be assessed by their prospective teacher before enrolling. OLF charges a $30 fee per assessment.
Kindergarten assessments are to evaluate school readiness. Grade 1-8 assessments are to evaluate academic performance and placement. Applicants for Grades 6, 7 and 8 must also participate in an interview with the Principal.
Please call (209) 826-2709 or e-mail to schedule an in-person assessment for your child. We are also happy to provide a campus tour during your visit.
Children entering Preschool must be at least 3 years old when enrolled and potty trained. Students may enroll mid-school year upon turning 3. Our Preschool program does reach capacity. To place your child on our waiting list, please call or visit the school office. Learn more about Preschool Registration and our Preschool Program.
Children entering Kindergarten must turn 5 years old on or before September 1st of the school year for which they are enrolling. Children entering 1st Grade must turn 6 years old on or before September 1st of the school year for which they are enrolling.
Kindergarten Enrollees Only: Must also submit a Report of Health Examination (to be filled out by pediatrician). You will be prompted to upload this information when enrolling through the FACTS Family Portal. You may also email or submit a paper copy to the office at a later date if your child's examination is not yet completed.
Transfer Students Only: Must also submit the Request for Student Records.
California law requires children to be immunized. Children are exempt from immunization requirements only with a valid medical exemption. As of January 1, 2021, medical exemptions from vaccines can be issued only through the California Immunization Registry-Medical Exemption (CAIR-ME) website.
Before starting Preschool:
*Required by Merced County Public Health.
Before starting Kindergarten, students must have all of the above Preschool immunizations plus:
Before starting 7th Grade: