OLF accepts payment for school fees, tuition and other charges only through the FACTS Family Portal. Cash and check are not accepted.
With FACTS, you may link your credit card or bank account and also setup automatic payments. Tuition may be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or in a lump sum before school starts (with a 5% discount).
Plan A offers families reduced tuition in exchange for their commitment to support the OLF Parents Club's fundraising efforts with at least 30 Parent Hours per school year. Families must also join our Scrip program or pay an opt-out fee.
New Families: Families on Plan A who are in their first year at OLF are required to complete only 15 Parent Hours.
Plan B offers families the option to pay full tuition and not participate in any OLF Parents Club fundraising. However, Plan B families must still participate in our Scrip program or pay an opt-out fee.
You may enroll Preschool students for
OLF offers a Transitional Kindergarten ("TK") class, tailored to preschoolers who are not quite ready for Kindergarten but who will benefit from a full-day classroom experience on our main campus.
Typical TK enrollees are students who turn 5 in September through August of the applicable school year, but students outside that age range may be able to enroll. Contact Principal Karen Forte for more information. TK-8 tuition rates, above, apply.
OLF offers Afternoon Extension Care as a solution for families coordinating pick-up around busy schedules. Extension Care provides a safe and fun environment with crafts and outdoor play, quiet time for homework and a snack in the afternoon.